ATEI authorities have launched a state-of-the-art Placement Cell for placement or job facilitation. The main task is to arrange quality jobs for the passed out students by establishing close ties with reputed industries of the country and abroad. Below is the work of Placement Cell in brief.
Collecting resumes, phone numbers, e-mail addresses of tradewise students and creating a database.
Arranging jobs for graduate students by contacting potential employers, factories and creating good relations with employers and making MoUs with them.
Assessing labor market demand. To create and supply skilled manpower accordingly.
Arranged Job Fair for the graduate students.
Inviting senior officials of factories as Guest Lecturers as part of increasing Industry Linkage. Encouraging their active participation in meetings, seminars.
Assisting in finding, coordinating communications, guiding and joining overseas job sites.
Establishing a list of alumni of the institution, collecting information about their workplaces and encouraging current students to advise and assist them in getting employment.
Career counseling is arranged for students to get good jobs.
Tradewise workshops are arranged and mock interviews are arranged.